First meeting with the Yo Opino Group

Details of the meeting

This meeting was held with Miguel Ángel and a fellow organiser on 01/10/2022 at 18:00pm.
At the meeting, apart from discussing the main subjects related to our estate's crisis, we also wanted to introduced ourselves and explain that we are not a competing association nor a different political party; we're an independent group trying to gather and share useful, verifiable information with our members.
The conversation was transcribed to the best of our abilities.


To start, it was explained that the Yo Opino group was created with the main goal of helping the people on our estate deal with the crisis stemming from the council's involvement with our campsite.
The reasons behind the founding of this separate group are as follows:
At the May 25th AGM it was decided by a majority of votes to take legal action against those owners who have second stories and roof terraces.
Several months later, the site administration sent out bureaufaxes to the affected owners, urging them to remove the offending items or face legal actions instead.
This initiative was the result of an agreement between the Owners Association and the site administrator, the two main (and only) political parties at the time.
The Yo Opino group came into existence, as they strongly believe that these two organisations do not have the authority to demand that owners make any alterations to their property, with the Cartagena Council being the only entity capable of issuing such a request.
It was also made very, very clear that Yo Opino does NOT want to fight the council - they will agree with the council's decisions, whatever they may be, and they will always abide by Spanish law.
Whatever the council says they must remove they'll get rid of, but nothing more.
We were asked if we wanted closer ties between our groups and we answered that we don't speak nor decide for our members; and we leave it up to each member to make their own choices.
We thank Yo Opino for the time they took to explain their views and objectives.
If you wish to contact them directly or join their initiative, please send a WhatsApp message to: (0034) 666 59 33 60