Results of the General Owners Meeting April 2023

Location, time and parties involved

The meeting was held at the Las Gaviotas hotel, on April 26th 2023, and didn't properly start until 18:00 that day, lasting until 21:00.
Representing the campsite's management were:

  1. Ana, the site director and CapFun representative
  2. David, the site solicitor
  3. Conchi, accounting
  4. Antonio, the independent engineer
  5. Diego, head of maintenance
  6. A security guard representing his firm.

The original Owners Association had president Juan and vice-president José assist to the meeting, backed by several other members.
Many private owners from all sectors formed the crowd and, as always, a notary was present to ensure nothing was left off the minutes and to legitimise the event.
A multitude of subjects were discussed, but only a few were revelant to our group.

Content of the meeting

  1. According David and Antonio, the report on the entire campsite has been handed over to the council, and we now have to await their verdict.
    This report is part of the process to keep the site's current licence going, which according to David was never actually suspended.
    It will be the council that decides which parcelas comply, don't comply and what changes they require.
    When deciding on which safety rules to implement, the council doesn't only take fire prevention into account, but also limiting the spread of fire should it occur.
    It was also made clear that it is not management's intention to simply "bulldoze the whole campsite".
  2. Soon (no exact date was given) any owner on any sector will be able to contact the engineer via email and ask for the specific report written for their parcela.
    It's not known whether the reports for A sector will still be the same or whether they have been updated.
  3. A very big issue for the site is the massive debt incurred mostly from the extortionate rates the electric companies charged during last year.
    According to the information sheet sent to owners, this debt ascends to the staggering amount of €1,245,248.95.
    This doesn't include the €481,270.36 which is owed by many of the private owners.
    In order to pay off %50 of the excess of last year's expenses, the site fees for Q3 and Q4 of 2023 will be increased to €409.53 for small plots, €590.38 for large plots and €826.54 for extra large plots.
  4. When the minutes get published, we'll have access to a list of plots whose owners are being be taken to court for owing more than €1,500.-.
    We should also get a list of the next owners to suffer legal pressure due to their increasing debt.
  5. When Juan was finally able to speak to the crowd, he mentioned that he'd talked to the urban development department of the Cartagena council, and he had been assured the site as a whole would not have to deal with a major intervention whilst the two different court cases against the council were still ongoing.
    He also admitted that this was only a verbal promise, and it not in writing.
    For those unaware, the first court case was initiated by the site's management, claiming that the council had ignored the problems of the illegal builds on our estate over the past decades and let the situation get out of hand through negligence.
    The second court case was started by the Owners Association, who stated that by exclusively dealing with management for years, the council left the private owners unaware of the site's increasing problems and unable to react in time when this situation became critical.
  6. The problem with the squatters was brought up several times, and the security firm received harsh criticism for their unprofessional behaviour over the last few months.
    When eventually the head of security tried to defend his company and claimed "we're there for you", the crowd burst out in anger and started shouting "no!" at him.
    Management stated that any squatters had to be reported to the office for them to deal with.
  7. Juan mentioned that he had spoken to the local fire brigade, and that they were satisfied with the fire fighting equipment fitted so far.
    When the Owners Association solicitor was given a chance to speak, he explained that the council is now aware of the people living on our site, and that they realise they can't just shut it down.
    He also explained that, providing the private owners take the right measures, the campsite will be able to stay open.
  8. Although little was mentioned about upgrading the site's electrics, David did say at one point that the site is heading in the direction of having electric metres fitted.

Many more things were discussed, and you can read about them when the official minutes are published.

The WhatsApp group's part

The WhatsApp group served its purpose in offering a live translations in English to those interested as the meeting took place.
I realise some things were missed out, but our members still managed to get the gist of most that was said.
This also freed up the translator that management provided, to interpret for the German community in-person.
Should there be any discrepancy between this document and the official minutes as approved by the notary, then obviously the official version takes preference.