First Owners Association Solicitor Report

Details of the report

This report was originally published by the Owners Association on 13/10/2022, although we received it later.
The original report was written in Spanish and signed by the Association's solicitor.
To clarify: the word "co-owner" is how parcela owners are sometimes referred to in legal documents.
Below is our own translation of the original message; no content was removed.


As per my commitment of providing legal advice to the Owners Association, while being aware that it is necessary to keep the directorate and other associated parties informed of the delicate situation that the Camping is going through, as the solicitor of the Owners Association, at the request of the association's directorate, I relay the following information:

  1. The campsite as a whole has a closure order from the Council.
    The Owners Association has become involved in the closing procedure, and has appealed the entire proceeding with the Cartagena Courts, as we consider that there are serious issues with how it is being handled.
  2. The Owners Association's legal proceeding has been admitted for processing and is being instructed by the Court for Contentious Administrative Proceedings No. 1 of Cartagena.
  3. We ask our members to be understanding, as the Courts have their own pace and the procedural and judicial times are set by the Courts.
  4. In the event that the Association's appeal is successful, the entire proceeding would be declared void, as it took course while the co-owners where unaware, leaving us unable to defend ourselves.
  5. I have been informed by the association's directorate that there are co-owners of the campsite who believe in not altering their parcelas until the Council gives them instructiones on what to do.
    We have even been told that there are groups of people who have banded together in an attempt not to be forced to make alterations to their parcela: The way I see it, these people are unaware that the Council has already ordered the closure of the campsite and that, if they do not voluntarily cooperate by adequating their parcelas to the requirements of the technical project being prepared by the site administrator, then the Council's patience may run out leading them to execute the previously agreed closure.

The fact that the co-owners are not willing to make the alterations as stipulated by the administrator's technicians could be decisive for an immediate closure, in my opinion.
Likewise, the Court could ratify the closure if they are under the impression that the cooperation of the co-owners with the administrator's technicians shows that there is no intention to implement the safety regulations, which would then also harm our side in the legal proceeding we began.
For the above reasons, I continue to recommend that co-owners work together with the technicians appointed by the administrator and adequate their parcelas in compliance with the technicians' instructions.
Not doing so, in my opinion, could expedite the closure of the campsite and put us in a worse place when dealing with the Council and the Court.
As always, I remain at your disposal.

Please remember...

This may seem quite shocking at first, but there is no point in worrying as this is nothing new.
We can only ask people to be patient until the definite rules are published by the engineer.