Bureaufax sent to owners with roof terraces and second storeys

Bureaufax details

This is the English version of the bureaufax that was sent out to parcela owners whose parcela was on the list of buidling regulation infractors for roof terraces and second storeys.
A bureaufax is a type of registered fax which records the message being delivered and can be used to prove to a third party that a missive was sent to a specific person or organisation.
Please remember that the following two groups, although they appear similar, have different meanings.

  1. Community of Owners: This represents each and every individual who owns a parcela on our estate. By being an owner you are already part of this collective and therefore it doesn't require you to register.
  2. Association of Owners: The is the privately organised Owners Association, or Asociación de Vecinos del Camping Villas Caravaning La Manga as it's properly known, which you have to apply to if you wish to be a member.

The actual message is published below, word for word, but with owner- and plot-specific details having been replaced with red text.

Bureaufax content

As you should know (given the wide repercussion that the news is having in the press), the City Council of Cartagena has initiated several procedures, amongst them the closing of the entire Campsite, as the non-permitted constructions carried out by several co-owners, obstruct the implementation of the minimum/essential security measures to be adopted, in order to guarantee the safety of persons and properties.
Both the management company of the Campsite, as well as the Community of Owners and the Association of Owners, are holding constant meetings with the City Council to try to solve this serious problem and avoid the closure of the Campsite, which would cause all co-owners very serious damage, in that it would prevent them from using and enjoying their properties.
The only solution to this serious problem is to remove from the affected plots the elements that prevent the implementation of the security measures imposed by the City Council which, as previously indicated, represent a serious threat to the safety of people and properties.
That is why, the collaboration of the owners that do not keep their plots with the proper safety conditions is required, if we want to avoid the closure of the Campsite. Without this collaboration, the Complex will be closed and we will be left with some plots that we will not be able to use or have access to, since the City Council will also proceed to the seal.
Consistent with the foregoing, the co-owners present and represented at the General Meeting held by this Community on May 25th 2022 unanimously approved to issue a list of plots (amongst which is your property: Plot Nr PLOT), and require each one to dismantle the works carried out (INFRACTION).
A list of non-allowed constructions approved in meeting along with the notary seal is attached.
In Rule 5, section c) of the Internal Regulations of the Campsite Caravaning La Manga, it is stated: "The co-owners or occupants of each pro-undivided quota are prohibited from:
c) Carrying out permanent or temporary constructions in any of the spaces, nor occupy more than 2/3 of each one of them, nor park vehicles.. caravans.. mobilhomes etc., closer than 0.5 meters from the hedge."

For the reason above stated, I feel obliged to require you through this letter, to dismantle the works carried out on your plot.
In case of disregarding this requirement, and without prejudice to the actions that the City Council of Cartagena may carry out, the Community of Owners will be forced to exercise the corresponding legal actions, urging the removal of elements and instalations, as well as the corresponding compensation of the damages that have been caused.
Signed: Caravanings Costa Cálida, S.L. (President-Administrator Community of Owners Caravaning La Manga)