Details of the exchange
These questions were asked at a meeting with the site administrator at 10:30am. on 03/04/2023.
The conversation was transcribed to the best of our abilities; questions are in plain text and answers are in italics.
The questions and answers
When is the next general meeting for all owners?
It's scheduled for April the 26th, and it will be held at the same location as other years.
When will the notices with the meeting's date, time, place and topics be issued to every owner?
We're hoping to have those sent out at least a week before the meeting.
Will the major improvements to the electrics - and their cost - be discussed at this meeting?
In the engineer's report, amongst many other things, we've described what we intend to do to improve the site's wiring, but first the council has to grant us permits to carry out this work.
Once we know we're allowed to legally make the necessary alterations, we'll have a different owners' meeting dedicated exclusively to discussing the work and its cost.
Is the engineer's report ready yet?
I specifically asked the engineer this morning, and he thinks today or tomorrow it'll be finished.
The reason for the delays is that the council asked us to make certain alterations to the document, which meant parts of it had to be re-written.
Because it's such an important document, we have to make sure it covers everything accurately and properly.
As there hasn't been any bad news lately, some people seem to think the crisis is over.
Is that right?
The council has been very kind in the sense that they have given us time to compile an extensive report on the whole estate and make necessay alterations.
It's important to note that there is a distinction between what people have done “before” and what people are doing “now”: There is no specific date, but it refers to the moment the council became involved with our site.
Regarding what was done before, the council will have to decide how they want to handle the affected owners and what corrective measures to impose.
However, anyone who from now on decides to carry out building work that does not comply with the site rules will be reported immediately, the court will fine them and - most importantly - demand that they return the plot to how it was initially.
The council does not want things to get worse than they already are.
NOTE: To prove this point, the site administrator showed me part of a state-issued legal document, sent to a private owner who very recently had carried out major illegal building work, which stated that they would be fined between %20 and %50 of the cost of the work and they were ordered to return the plot to its original state.