Details of the exchange
These questions were asked at a meeting with the site administrator at 10:30am. on 25/01/2023.
The conversation was transcribed to the best of our abilities; questions are in plain text and answers are in italics.
The questions and answers
What is the latest news regarding the council’s involvement with our site?
Only part of F sector and all of GH need to be included in our report before we can hand it to the council, in February if all goes well.
Once the council have received this document, we're hoping they'll come back to us with an answer fairly quickly.
Has a date been chosen yet for the next general meeting?
It depends on how things develop, but we're thinking of March at the moment.
At this meeting we will also discuss the site fees, as the excessive cost of electricity has used up funds that would otherwise have been used to maintain and improve the site.
Has Luna finished checking everyone’s electric boxes?
Soon, they will start going around again to check on people who had upgraded their breakers (fuses), as we've kept a record of that.
What is happening with the court cases against individuals with two storey buildings and/or roof terraces?
We've started the legal proceedings against these people, however we are taking them to court ten at a time, as otherwise it would be too much at once.
What is happening with the debtors?
They are being sent a second bureaufax and they will be taken to court.
Several members have asked about the rumour of a single plot on the main road being bought by Camping for €40,000.
Is that true?
Not that I know of, and certainly not while I have been in charge.
For a standard size, single plot the campsite offers no more than €20,000.
If someone wishes to sell a large plot then they should come into the office so we can talk about the price, as the parcela contents and location also matter.