Details of the exchange
These questions were asked at a meeting with the site administrator on 16/08/2022.
The conversation was transcribed to the best of our abilities; questions are in plain text and answers are in red text.
The questions and answers
Has the council got a set date in mind when they will take the next step, and what is the current state of ongoing appeals by the site management.
The council are waiting for the site management to generate a report on all parcelas on all sectors.
We have hired a private engineering firm to carry out this work for us.
There is no set deadline, however the council expect this document as soon as possible.
Are they going to wait until the whole residential side of plots are evaluated by the engineer before they make any further decisions?
How quickly will the engineer complete his survey of all plots?
Hopefully the engineer will be finishing at some point in October.
How much time will be given to residents who have plots that are illegal to carry out works to make their plot acceptable for the council?
Will the campsite use its JCB and other machinery or vehicle to help clear the demolition waste?
If people can get organised and carry out works together then the campsite is prepared to help however it can.
For those residents whose plots are legal, can they continue to live without fear they will be treated the same as those have illegal plots?
Owners of legal plots do not have to do anything.
Is the council aware that many plots belong to people that have died without family whilst many plots belong to absentee owners who are, as yet, unaware of the current situation?
What action is being taken to contact these owners?
If there are cases of plots without a living owner and no one to claim it, the council will be made aware of this situation and they will take the necessary steps.
If someone has a plot and they don't care about it they must tell us: we will make them an offer to buy it off them.
We have very few owners' email addresses, which makes it hard for us to contact people about this kind of important issues on site.
Can the council cut services to legal plots or plots where the owners are attempting to make their plots legal?
Yes, by law they can terminate the water, electric and other services although they would have to rehouse the people living there.
In my opinion it seems like a drastic and unlikely step for the council to make.
With the A sector survey complete, how many of the 120 plots are illegal?
The reports will be issued very soon.
With regard to what is illegal, we have your earlier replies and thank you for this information but is the engineer looking at the obvious points which may cause a fire or every illegality no matter how small?
I will provide people with the specific national, regional an municipal laws - as well as the campsites own rules - which explain what isn't allowed.
In order to be considered legal, plots must meet all these standards.
If residents tackle major problems of fire safety on their plots, can they tackle minor problems at a later date?
We have to improve the whole site as quickly as possible.
What price is being offered to residents who wish to sell their plots to be cleared by the council?
The most we will offer people for any kind of plot is €20,000. Who pays for the transfer cost would have to be discussed.
Later on, on 17/08/2022 the site administrator emailed us to say that, in this scenario, the site would pay for the transfer costs.
If we carry out the tremendous task of demolishing what's wrong, how do we know we're not going to be shut down later on anyway?
I am not the council so I cannot guarantee that everything will be fine if you make your plot comply with the rules and regulation, but we must stay positive and try to do what the council asks for.